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Former Millwall Firm Boss Claims He And 11 Fellow Fans Scared Off Opposition

Hooligan tells of fierce battle against 2,000 rivals

Former Millwall firm boss claims he and 11 fellow fans scared off opposition

Millwall hooligan has told the story of how his toughest opponents brought 2000 men for a rumble

A former Millwall firm boss has claimed that he and 11 other fans of the Championship club once scared off 2,000 rivals.

The man, who does not want to be named, said the incident happened in the early 1980s when Millwall were playing away at a rival club.

"We were walking to the ground when we were ambushed by about 2,000 fans of the other team," he said.

"They were all chanting and throwing things at us, and we were outnumbered 10 to one."

"But we stood our ground and started fighting back. We were outnumbered, but we were more determined than they were."

"Eventually, they started to back down and we chased them away."

"It was a great feeling to have stood up to them and to have shown them that we were not afraid of them."

"I'm not proud of what I did, but it was a different time back then."
